We provide insourcing solutions for ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat), encompassing a comprehensive pathway that covers all stages of patient care. This includes initial attendance at the clinic, as well as pre-assessment, surgical procedures, and post-procedure follow-up.
We collaborate closely with local clinicians to establish the clinical aspects of the service specifications. This collaboration involves defining exclusion criteria, establishing referral pathways, and developing local management plans tailored to specific needs.
Within our broader range of specialisms, we offer flexibility in terms of which specific aspects of the care pathway you would like us to handle. As a standard offering, we provide triage clinics, outpatient clinics, one-stop clinics, diagnostics, and day case surgery across various disciplines.
We have two options for service delivery: fully-managed services, where all staff members are provided by Pathfinder, or hybrid models that involve a combination of Pathfinder staff and your own Trust staff.