
Insourcing is where NHS organisations sub-contract medical services and/or procedures. The service provider, Pathfinder Health Solutions, uses the NHS organisation’s premises and equipment to deliver these services.

Insourcing to increase clinical capacity

Insourcing is an approach mainly used in secondary care trusts and the service is provided when the premises and equipment are not being used by the NHS Trusts. This makes it a very efficient model which allows Trusts to maximise the use of their estate’s capacity and retain service delivery within their control, leading to greater resilience.

We are approved to be on the National Framework for On Site Surgical and Medical Capacity Solutions managed by Countess of Chester NHS Foundation Trust.


Benefits of Insourcing

Improved utilisation

Improved utilisation of existing infrastructure by working in theatres that would otherwise be unused we increase surgical capacity to reduce waiting lists.

Quality Assurance and Compliance

Through regular audit and governance structures we will feedback performance markers for the work completed.

Greater Control and Flexibility

By retaining service delivery within their control, insourcing provides greater flexibility for NHS Trusts to adapt and respond to changing demands or priorities.

A high-quality service

Focused on optimum outcomes for patients, Trusts and NHS workforce. Working collaboratively with Trust managers and clinical staff. Our teams neatly integrate with Trust teams to provide seamless clinical care for patients, keeping patient treatment within the Trust. The Trust retains oversight/control over the service, able to monitor safety and outcomes.

Patients are happy as they are being treated at their local Trust and have a shorter wait for surgery. Trust workforce are happy as they feel supported by the Trust and are under less pressure. Thus, supporting retention of workforce and improving recruitment due to the positive promotion of the Trust by both existing workforce and patients.

Our teams are expert NHS consultants, nurses and managers comfortable and experienced in working to high standards in demanding NHS Trusts. Ensuring there is an ethos of continuous improvement, they have coached and mentored NHS Trust colleagues, developing their skills, increasing job satisfaction and staff retention.

All our consultants have GMC specialist registration, all nurses have NMC registration and are experienced in the relevant clinical setting.